Saturday, December 10, 2011

I hate blogging.

I’m opposed to blogging. I find it daft. In fact, my first few posts are probably going to be about how utterly pedestrian it is to journal ones thoughts for all to see.  Publishing your own words as if your pensive mind is so spectacular; everyone should have the opportunity to have a look-see inside at their own leisure.  To have the opportunity to learn from your small doses of wisdom you altruistically bestow upon the world. 

Can you sense the bitter undertone? Good. Then I’m masking my jealousy well.

The blogs I read are of adventures in life I myself hope to embark on.  Instead of taking the necessary steps to embark on said adventures, I read and live vicariously through the clever renditions of those taken by others.

SO-as an early New Year resolution as well as the innate desire to have some schmoe (I say this because I am one of those schmoes) in the World Wide Web lusting after my daily adventures; I have decided to blog.  Instead of reading about life, I’m going to get my ass out there, live it, and write about it.  Once a week should suffice.  Picture posts count.


  1. LOVE IT! So glad you've joined the blogging world. :)

  2. Welcome to the Blogworld. You will make your presence felt in no time, am sure of that. :)
