Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cabin Fever.

While perusing the facespace today, there was one word more ubiquitous than all others.  Cabin fever.  It's everywhere. It had been 3 days since I'd seen another person until about an hour ago when I rushed outside with sheer pathetic (my dad's words) desperation (Pa said this too) to talk to a lady walking her dog.  The dry air has led me to bust out some old home remedy my mom taught me of boiling hot water on the stove.  I spruced it up with some vanilla mint herbs.  I sense my mood lifting already.

In other news, this snow-licious condition has let me to abstain from neglecting my fitness.  In the past 72 hours at home, I've spent a collective 5 hours studying! I've procrastinated my study of A&P by using my poor lonely treadmill (which has been folded up for about 2 months now).  Good things are resulting from this inclement weather!  I hate to say it but this entire post is just another means of procrastination as my book is laying open in front of me, yet my computer screen does not show my notes in front of me. Weird right?

What's going to get me through this week as a recluse? Tim and I have a surf  day trip planned for next weekend.  I'm secretly hoping for snow on the beach. Let's hope for some sweet waves and action for me to post! For now...I'm back to posing as a scholar.


  1. That's a cool idea with the boiling of the water... I'll have to try it!

    1. It works wonders! Bonus: adding herbs of some sort (whatever smell strikes your fancy) makes your place smell great!

  2. Great shot. Looks cold!!

  3. wow, snow on the beach AND surfing? You're hard core! p.s. I like the new design :)

    1. Thank you! We ended up going this weekend. Super stormy so not the best surf but still fun!

  4. Love the boiling water thing. So jealous you're surfing! I used to surf daily for like years- live close to the beach and though the water is frigid, the temp here is always warm. But since my weight gain I can't surf anymore. Have fun!!!!!

    1. Caity I hope you're able to get back to surfing! Especially living by a warm beach- so jealous of that!
